4,5 h including transfer by bus, number of participants min. 25 max. 45,
price 40 € p.p.
Fulda is a city on the river of the same name and the main center of the region of Eastern Hesse.
Fulda was the seat of the Fulda Monastery and is a university, baroque and episcopal city with the episcopal seat of the eponymous diocese. The city’s landmark is the St. Salvator Cathedral.
In the Baroque era, Fulda’s second great period of prosperity, extensive building activity began. With the help of outstanding master builders and creative interior decorators, those buildings were created in rapid succession which still today constitute the special charm of Fulda’s Baroque quarter. The care-fully restored buildings form an ensemble of high ur-banistic value and justify the epithet “baroque city”.
Places of interest: Cathedral, St. Michael’s Church, Benedictine Abbey of St. Mary, Frauenberg Monastery, City Palace, Orangery, open-air events in the inner courtyard of the City Palace, Palace Garden, Baroque Adelspalais, German Fire Brigade Museum, Fasanerie Castle Museum, city tours, city stroll and much much more